Amateur Chess Course

Our 6-chapter Amateur Chess Course covers the main strategical chess rules needed to elevate your game from basic to amateur level, allowing you to gain an upper hand against your opponents. 
  • Fundamentals: Master the basics of chess piece movement and positioning, including basic strategies
  • Tactics: Develop strong tactical skills through interactive exercises and case studies, followed by a chess quiz
  • Opening Repertoire: Learn essential opening principles and build a solid repertoire to confidently start your chess games
  • Endgame Mastery: Gain proficiency in chess endgame techniques, essential for converting advantages into wins

What’s included:

  • Full Course Access (17 Lessons)
  • 3 Hours of Chess Video Content
  • Unlimited Streaming
  • Downloadable PGN Files
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 20% Discount on the Rook Course
  • 20% Discount on Live Lessons
  • 10% Discount in our Shop
  • 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

$40  $36

What other students said about me

Nikola was the first coach I had in the master years of my playing career. He inspired me with his creativity and joy for the game. He taught me the importance of playing serious openings, and what it meant to show professionalism in chess. He is a very caring coach who knows how to have a good laugh, but also take the necessary steps when it comes to constructive criticism. I’m now an IM with 2 GM norms making my own pursuit of the GM title, and I am still very grateful for the confidence Nikola was able to instill in my play.

Josiah Stearman

California, USA

I know Nikola for 10+years and I always admired his professionalism and methodical based approach to chess and detailed preparation for each game. While we were exchanging ideas before, it only recently struck me that he would be a great fit for my team, both personally and chess wise. He was a crucial part of my successful quest in winning the 4th national chess title.

Aleksandar Indjic

Belgrade, Serbia

I’ve been doing lessons with Nikola for over a year and his style of coaching continues to challenge me and make me a better player. Between his training tools and breadth of chess knowledge, I’ve been thoroughly pleased with the coaching I’ve received. He is flexible and understanding and can be both instructional and motivational when you need. Im grateful to have met Nikola and continue to be learning chess with him!

Orry Marciano